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"Top Dogs (the most successful agents) stager their listings. They see every single listing as an opportunity to top the market. They analyze the properties they list and have them professionally staged before they are presented to their market. These Top Dogs pay for their own staging, making it a part of their listing package. They see it as a cost of doing business and a powerful marketing advantage."
Marilyn Sullivan, Excerpt from: "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Success as a Real Estate Agent"

Sell Faster and For More Money!

It always makes sense to sell a home quickly and for the most money possible! Finding that balance and having a reputation for being the agent who helps sellers "cash in" on their homes is critical to long term success as an agent.

When 9 out of every 10 buyers view the home online first, it's essential that the photos are of professionally staged room.

CALL US TODAY 919.271.0766

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